A) Clarifying application then immediately rinse
B) a Clarifying application with massage then leave for 10 minutes on the hair then DO NOT rinse
C) redo an application of Clarifying with massage then leave for 10 minutes on the hair then rinse

2 -Applications of ELEMENTS PLUS
A) it is important to massage the locks when you have applied the product with the brush
B) After the application, you should paint the hair Straight back and forth with a comb (big tooth) and Remove any surplus product that is on the hair
C) Leave to rest on the head of blonde hair 1 hour, on Virgin hair or to color 1hour 20 minutes

3 -fan dryer with brush 100% dry comb with a square brush(tennis).

4 -the heating plate or iron the hair the temperature must be 230-degree black hair virgin, (point 190 degrees) n degrees for blonde, fragile, color, from tone 6 to 12 210
B) leave to stand for 15 minutes.

5 -washes with blue shampoo 2 times

6 -apply the blue conditioner comb the hair with the conditioner then rinse, very important during the last rinse the water must be cold to close all

7 -Dry with blow dry